Mary inspires love and confidence to a degree that surpasses all other saints. We identify with her because she was as human as we are; she was a daughter and wife and mother; she knew heart-piercing sorrows and great joys. We feel close to her, but we also know that Mary is very close to God. Mary is the perfect companion during the holy seasons of Lent and Easter.
Following a day-by-day format, this treasure of a book leads us into an in-depth encounter with the Blessed Mother whose influence has been felt in every facet of human life for 2000 years. Lent and Easter with Mary spotlights Marian-related events in religious life, and in art, music, film, history, and literature. It tells stories of the origins of Marian prayers and hymns, recalls great miracles and apparitions, and celebrates the lives of saints who were especially devoted to Mary. 212pg Hardcover.