Special 40th Anniversary Edition!
Special edition 40th Anniversary Edition including Our Lady's June 25, 2021 message. This is the most complete and up to date book, containing Our Lady's messages from Medjugorje 1981-2021. You will find the early messages from 1981-1983 recorded by Fr. Rene Laurentin. Weekly, and monthly messages given to Marija provided by the parish in Medjugorje. 2nd of the month messages given to Mirjana, Annual messages given to Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov. Also included are messages and prayers given to Jelena, and her prayer group from 1982-1985. We also included a brief history of the first days of the apparitions, the core messages of Our Lady, and biographies of the six visionaries. This is a must have book!!
Special thanks to Monsignor Matthew Malnar for his tireless efforts, and help editing this book.
Softcover 6"x9" - 376 Pages.
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