The fact that Our Lady calls is to a two day fast, on Wednesdays and Fridays, in its own way attests to a preparation for a meeting with the Eucharistic Christ. Thursday has always been a day of the Eucharist and the Priesthood. That is why the Wednesday fast, from the Eucharistic standpoint, is in preparation for Thursday, the day of the Eucharist. The Friday fast is in thanksgiving for the Eucharist and is a realization of the possibility of remaining with the Eucharistic Christ for an entire lifetime.
By worthily preparing for the meeting with the Eucharistic Christ at the Eucharistic feast, man prepares himself for the eternal feast in Heaven. In its own way, The Eucharist is the preparation and the foretaste of the eternal feast in the Kingdom of God.
Fr. Slavko: Most respected reader, in this book I entrust to you reflections about fasting and experiences with fasting. I desire to help you understand that fasting is necessary and that it is good to fast both for the body and the soul. Moreover, I desire to help you decide to fast and to experience how good it is to fast.
As I entrust these reflections and experiences to you, I implore God to give you the grace to start fasting and praying so that you may yourself experience that Our Lady is right in calling us to fast and pray.
Father Slavko Barbaric (1946-2000)
226 pages. Paperback.
By worthily preparing for the meeting with the Eucharistic Christ at the Eucharistic feast, man prepares himself for the eternal feast in Heaven. In its own way, The Eucharist is the preparation and the foretaste of the eternal feast in the Kingdom of God.
Fr. Slavko: Most respected reader, in this book I entrust to you reflections about fasting and experiences with fasting. I desire to help you understand that fasting is necessary and that it is good to fast both for the body and the soul. Moreover, I desire to help you decide to fast and to experience how good it is to fast.
As I entrust these reflections and experiences to you, I implore God to give you the grace to start fasting and praying so that you may yourself experience that Our Lady is right in calling us to fast and pray.
Father Slavko Barbaric (1946-2000)
226 pages. Paperback.