by: Denis Nolan
Every authentic modern apparition of Mary, from La Salette to Lourdes to Fatima to Beauraing, has been a source of controversy and polemic while the phenomenon itself was in progress. Such is today the case with Medjugorje, which has been buffeted by waves of rumors and fabrications and malicious attacks. Lost in the din is the perspective of the universal Church. In Denis Nolan's book you will find shocking new revelations about the Catholic Church's true position on Medjugorje.
Did you know that for the first time in Church history the Vatican removed the jurisdiction over an apparition from the local Ordinary when the investigation into Medjugorje was taken away from the then-bishop of Mostar, Bishop Zanic?
Did you know that the Vatican's current Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone wrote an official letter confirming that pilgrimages to Medjugorje are permitted and that the opinions on Medjugorje of Bishop Ratko Peric, the current Bishop of Mostar, are to be treated strictly "as his personal opinion" with no authority?
Did you know that the Vatican responded with an implicit rebuke of Bishop Peric's widely publicized June 15, 2006, condemnation of Medjugorje when Cardinal Vinko Puljic, president of the Bosnia and Hercegovina Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Sarajevo, announced on July 15, 2006, that "The Catholic Church is starting a new commission that will look into the Medjugorje events" thus reiterating the Vatican's position that the apparition does not fall under Bishop Peric's jurisdiction?
Did you know that in his own hand Pope John Paul II wrote, "I thank Sophia for everything concerning Medjugorje. I, too, go there everyday as a pilgrim in my prayers"?
Did you know that Blessed Mother Teresa, again in her own hand, wrote: "We are all praying one Hail Mary before Holy Mass to Our Lady of Medjugorje!"?
Did you know that the world's foremost exorcist, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, official exorcist of the Diocese of Rome who has performed more than 30,000 exorcisms, wrote, "Medjugorje is a fortress against Satan. Satan hates Medjugorje because it is a place of conversion, of prayer, of transformation of life"?
In Medjugorje and the Church you will find the truths that have been suppressed by the traditionalists and the liberals. Numerous bishops and cardinals have expressed appreciation for this book. For example, Cardinal Francis Arinze has written from the Vatican: "May God Bless you for the great diligence put into producing this well documented work which I shall read with great interest."