Beautiful laminated bookmarks with image of medal and tassel. Prayer to the Mother of Goodness.
The prayer on the bookmark says:
"O Mother mine, Mother of goodness, love and mercy,
I love you infinitely and I offer myself to You. By means
of Your goodness, Your love and Your grace, save me.
I desire to be Yours.
I love you infinitely, and desire You to protect me.
From the depth of my heart I pray You,
Mother of goodness, give me Your goodness.
Let me gain Heaven by means of it.
I pray You, by Your infinite love, to give me the grace,
so that I may love every man, as you have loved Jesus Christ.
I pray You to give me the grace To be merciful towards You.
I offer myself to You completely and desire that You follow my
every step. Because You are full of grace.
And I desire that I will never forget this.
And if, by chance, I should lose grace
I pray You to restore it to me once more.
*Please note, the bookmark has a white tassel, but is pictured with a yellow tassel.