By The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
The Blessed Sacrament is the great "open secret" of the Catholic Church--the great truth that Jesus Christ is in the Tabernacle and is accessible to all who believe in Him. But this truth is not immediately obvious, and thus it is not really appreciated as it should be. The Blessed Sacrament--God With Us is a call to all Catholics to appreciate and love Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, for in that perpetual miracle is all the wealth of His love, and our "heaven" on earth!
Jesus is in the Blessed Sacrament with His Sacred Heart, His Precious Blood and His Five Holy Wounds. There especially His love for each soul is personal and individual. The Blessed Sacrament includes all the immensity of Christ's love that is contained in the mysteries of His life on earth--His Incarnation, His life and labors, His Passion and Death. We lay hold of all these treasures through the Blessed Sacrament. And thus, before the Tabernacle we can receive inexpressibly precious graces and favors that bear eternal results!
Other Catholic devotions group themselves as satellites around devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, for the others celebrate various mysteries of our Holy Faith, but the Blessed Sacrament is God Himself. Thus, this little book helps show that the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest treasure we have on earth, for It is truly and literally "God with us."
67 pages. Paperback.